Is Makerbot stealing from FlashForge?

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I managed to get through recording and editing and even uploading this video before I realized I didn’t explain that gag I did at the beginning where I put a fan with an air filter on it in front of the FlashForge and claim that I’ve doubled it’s value. See, the FlashForge Adventure 3 and the Makerbot Sketch classroom 3D printers have very similar specs, but with one major difference. The Makerbot Sketch includes a “Particulate Filter”, which the Adventure 3 does not have. So… yeah. I added an air filtration unit and make the Adventure 3 into a Makerbot Sketch worth twice as much.

During editing, I decided to speed through my little catawampus asides when ranting about Makerbot. But after doing that I thought that might be strange if that only showed up at the end of the video, so I went back and attempted to find sections earlier that I could speed up in the same way. However any attempts that weren’t ranting asides just came off as a little… Barnacules. And, I mean, Jerry is great, but I would rather find my own voice than copy his. So if people like those little squeeky voice fast asides, I’ll have to do let myself rant more like that on screen. This time it just kind of happened. Makerbot does that to me sometimes.

So was this video actually a Flashforge Adventure 3 review with a Makerbot headline aside that got turned around in the title and thumbnail to capitalize on controversy for views? Yes. And in a week or two if someone will remind me, I’ll change the thumbnail and title to something a bit more about the Adventure 3.