PrintABlok continues with Articulated Bloks! Video

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I am so neck deep in modeling PrintABloks that I really don’t have anything else to add to this video. And that’s good, because as long as the kickstarter is doing well, I don’t have to try to figure out promotion, and that really stresses me out.

I am worried this video came off a bit whiny. Like “Oh, poor me, having to model and remodel these things” which is totally not the case. I blame the lateness of the hour I was recording. I love this stuff. Modeling can be stressful, however, especially when you’re working on a bunch in a short amount of time. But don’t mistake that for me not loving this thing. When I put the swrd into the hilt and it held, oh what a feeling. I hope I get to do this for 30 days and make a pile of parts a mile high.