2019 Rewind – Best 3DPProfessor videos for 2019

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I used this video to test a new technique of layering a chroma keyed PowerPoint over my video, which itself is chroma keyed over a static image, all layered in real time. The result was, I think successful, without much frame drop, but I don’t think I could do all that while using Blender. And it is the webcam video that some people claim is inferior, saying it’s a paltry 5fps, though I can’t see it myself. Still, as an experiment in rapid video production, I’m kinda happy with this.

When I mentioned in the video about my most watched videos in this year not even being the videos that I made in this year, this is what I mean:

This is 2019 views list with the videos I made in 2019 highlighted. YouTube really does give some excellent tools for analyzing the statistics on videos. Of the top 10 videos, only 3 were made in this year. In one way of thinking, this is good. I always focus on evergreen content, and clearly I’ve been succeeding. But on the other hand, it’s difficult for me to make new content with the thought in the back of my mind that if I stopped producing content my channel would be just fine. The thought that this video that I’m working on isn’t going to make that big an impact on the success of my channel. And that way lies a slump. Is this what others call “burn out”? I don’t feel burnt out, per se, I just feel like I’ve got other things I want to do with my time that might have greater impact on the world.

And maybe the other problem is I’m pretty contented in my personal life. Not to say I was disgruntled before, but I’m pretty happy with my wife and kids right now. My oldest is learning to drive, my youngest is, as I mentioned, disagreeing with the concept of bed times. And my shed, that was supposed to be my recording space away from distractions… well, it cost a lot more to renovate it than I expected, so I went to MRRF instead. But maybe I should look into renovating it again. Maybe it’s time to finally pursue that.

But that’s going to mean a successful fundraising kickstarter, so be sure to cast your vote as to what that should be.