Chibimal Farm Pack afterthoughts

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The Chibimal Farm Pack is finally finished. When I started working on this farm pack I thought it would be simple. A few set pieces, a few more Chibimals, throw in the ones from the Kickstart that match, and wham-bam, I’ve got a new product in the store. But I could not have more wrong about that. First of all, the set pieces were way more work than I realized going in. I can usually whip out the basic shape of a Chibimal in about an hour, But the barn and tractor took days and more test prints than I anticipated. Absolutely worth it in the end, but a lot of work. Then I got the bright idea to break the rigid symmetry of the kickstarter Chibimal poses and bring the Chibimals to life with dynamic poses. That meant building an armature, rigging the model, and posing it. This was, in some ways, a whole new skill set for me to learn, and there was a lot of trial and many errors on the way.

Posing the chibimals really brought them to life for me. So much so that I’m considering options for a wider story with the Chibimals. Like a cartoon, obsessively for kids, but with hidden elements for adults. But an undertaking like this is something that I don’t know if I could do myself, especially not without quitting my YouTube channel. That’s why I’m putting out the call. I need help developing this idea and making it happen. I need help creating a world of Chibimals cartoon for YouTube.

My initial thoughts are making it like a sort of custom machinima. Use unity or unreal to produce a virtual world with virtual actors, maybe control them live, setup a virtual camera, and record a dozen or so videos for a season. It’s a bit of front loading in the development cycle and model making, but it will be rapidly produced high quality videos. Well, high quality compared to gacha animations, and those are doing great, view-wise! We’re still in the development phase, so I’m open to suggestions.

In fact, I’m open to any kind of help at all. If I I’m going to make this a reality, I need help. I’ve put out a call on Patreon, and now I guess putting out a call here, too. Now, I’m asking for a lot, but what am I offering you? All I can offer you:

  • Access to the Chibimals sources
  • Inside track on the story of chibimals
  • The answers to all the secrets of the ARG

Oh, yes, this is going to be an ARG. And the hidden story will only be available to people helping me making it happen. And everyone else once they decode the clues.

If you’re interested and can help, discord remains the best place to coordinate. Hit me up, let me know you’re interested, and let’d make this happen together.

Because if I don’t get any help, this’ll likely just be a finger puppet show.