#Makevember Challenge Video

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This morning I grabbed my phone and my external mic and recorded a video about the #Makevember challenge while I was walking around the grounds outside my work. However, before I could finish it, every shot kept getting interpreted by people in the park, and I had to cancel the recording. 2 takes later, I took it inside. As I started recording… outside the room I used they started doing story time for the kids. This video was take 5, at least, and it took me till after noon to be albe to pull it off. And through it all I was having problems with my mic not working with my phone… again. It was very frustrating and almost had me giving up on the challenge on day 1.

And then there’s the process of making the thumbnail for this video. Because I decided to just bang this out, I wasn’t at my usual workstation, so I didn’t have my usual software, so I had to do it in Paint.NET instead of Photoshop. And my Paint.NET doesn’t have the ability to outline text. There is literally nothing about this video that isn’t sub-par. But it’s done.

Like I said in my video, I feel like there’s like a clog in my workflow. The process of getting this video to you is very illustrative of this. Since getting back from ERRF I’ve hard a harder time making videos at home at my usual time, and since I have video I’m committed to doing but can’t that’s taking the wind out of my sails for doing the videos that I can. So I hope that getting this video out, rough as it is, will be the start of some success for me.

As for doing project, I’ve actually been kind of successful lately, but there are projects I’ve been fighting getting to. Having a commitment to a project a day… maybe that’ll help that too.