Using Boolean to Make 3D Prints with Blender 2.8 – The Absolute Beginner’s Guide

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I admit I’m still working with my green screen. I wanted to change the angle, and I made it wider, but now lighting is a problem. Or I may try the proper green screen that I used on Monday’s stream. Oh yeah, if you missed that, you should check it out.


You’re doing great and should be very proud. So far you’ve learned:

  • How to navigate the view with the middle mouse button, the 3d compass, or the hot keys
  • Blender often has many ways to do the same thing, and you can choose which way you want to
  • The 3D view has a menu with all the commands you’ll need to learn
  • How to add objects to the scene
  • How to move, rotate, and scale those objects in the scene

You can hardly consider yourself an absolute beginner.

Setting the Scene

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X-Ray Vision

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Boolean Modifier

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Exporting an STL

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Take the snowman from last time and use the boolean modifier to make a 3D model suitable for 3D printing