Best Starter Electronics and Arduino Kits Review Video

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Edit: Link for the Freenove books:, they ain’t perfect, but they’re the best you gonna get for free.

This video was shot with my mobile rig. A cheap Chinese 4k sports cam and a portable TASCAM microphone. I think the result was pretty good. Had I planned it a little bit better, with an establishing shot to put me in it at the beginning and end, this setup could really tell a story. But I need to see how to de-fish eye the footage from that sports cam first. Still, it’s got promise, and it’s a cheap setup. I’m pretty excited by the possibilities.

I’m also excited to start learning electronics. I’m currently holding out until I can do it in front of a camera, but that’s starting to feel like it’s getting in the way of just doing it. So I may just do it, and if the desire to go back and learn on camera strikes, I’ll just go back. My thought was that this could be a twitch stream with the same sort of overhead camera/desktop camera I used in the video where I introduced these kits in the Makerspace.

But I’ve got to get a camera that can focus better.