How to 3D print and make money while Unboxing the Sol Scanner Video

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I like to be doing something when I do this sort of video. I think it’s better if I’m, you know, busy. But I realized as I was doing this video that I was more or less making one of those “Check out my cool stuff. I’m gonna give you the secret to getting rich so you can have cool stuff like this” video. Which wasn’t my intent. Fortunately, those videos tend to end with a call to action to give them your money (which calls into question if the answer isn’t “I made videos and told people to give me money”) and this video asks nothing of you.

Of course if you wanted to give me your money, I’ll allow it.

“What can I 3D print and make money?”  I saw this question, or some form of this question so much lately on Quora (Seriously, I’ve posted this video in no less than 7 Quora queries. 1, 2, 34, 5, 6, 7) that I decided it needed it’s own video, even though I’ve made videos about this in the past. But those videos sometimes get negative comments from people complaining that I’m not giving them things they should do, I’m just telling them a story. That’s totally not the case, because if you were paying attention I was doing both. But this time I decided to skip the personal anecdotes and just give it to ya straight:

  1. Get driven and get a work ethic
  2. Good is never good enough
  3. Go on the hunt, write down 3 ideas a day
  4. Research your market; customers and competition
  5. Be prepared to sacrifice
  6. Promote shamelessly
  7. Take their money

At this point I’m willing to say that anyone who complains on this video is just lazy and there’s nothing I can do to help them.

The next video is probably going to have to be what’s the best storefront for your 3D printed items.