What is Chibi Video

Watch the Video on YouTube

Super Late getting this write up out there. Not super late typing it up. In fact this video was supposed to go out on Friday last week. But sometimes plans change. And along with that, I forget to hit send on the blog post when I made the video public. Que sara sara.

I don’t know how I’m managing to do this. Run a kickstarter, record and edit videos at the same time. It’s been a crazy month for me, for sure, but I’m keeping on top of it. In fact I feel invigorated. Behind the scenes it’s even crazier, but you’ll see the results of that soon.

Doing a live stream, and making videos without a script in general, is a bit like walking a tight rope without a net. Saying any dumb thing that comes into your head will sometimes result in you saying… dumb things. Fortunately, I have this blog to set the record straight:

Chibi is the Japanese word for “Small”. Kawaii is the Japanese word for “Cute”. Both of these words have been applied to artistic styles. Generally, Chibis are smallified version of big things, and Kawaii is the one that pushes cute, sometimes to the edge of grotesque, but stopping before crossing over. However, none of these styles are codified. There’s no governing body that puts a stamp of “Chibi” or not Funko toys. Chibi or Kawaii can be anything you want. If big eyed animals and rainbows on a Lisa Frank trapper keeper is “Chibi” to you, no one can say you’re wrong. This was just to share some of my explorations and explain the aesthetic that I would be following for this project.

Next time I do a live stream, I have got to remember to fix the focus of my web cam before starting so it doesn’t jiggy jog like that ever 5 seconds. I have the software to do it, I just need to remember to actually do it. And besides that little hiccup in the stream, I thought it went rather well. I wonder if a Monday stream could be a regular thing. Maybe modeling Monday, what do you think? I’ll need to run it past the wife, of course. She might have other plans for my free time on a Monday Morning.

Fun fact, just before this stream I was digging up the sprinkers in the front yard and adjusting them for the first watering of the season. I was dirty and nasty, but managed to finish and clean up just in time to hit go on the stream. That and the fact that I had 45 uninterrupted minuted from the kids at the start there was a miracle.