Tinkercad Basics video and Chibimals Accessories Update

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This is another video for my Makerspace Channel, a video about getting started in TinkerCAD. This is another lecture that I’ve given an number of times and I just recorded it to save me time in the future. Funny thing, my SVG video I used earlier today for the same reason. Someone was coming in asking questions, and instead of saying the same answer I’ve said a dozen times, I had a video on hand.

And of course I don’t have to say how much I enjoy making these quick, guerrilla style, hit record and upload right away videos, or how grateful I am to my audience for supplying the equipment to be able to make them at this high a level. I don’t have to say that. But I will anyways. I love this, thank you for making it possible. This isn’t the sort of video that’s going to top YouTube analytics, so it’s not worth heavily editing or taking the time to script out. But fortunately I don’t have to do every video like that.

Also, managed to sneak in another shout out to Eunny in this one.

Chibimals had a big announcement today. Something I’ve been working on for a while and felt it was time to finally reveal. Chibimal accessories! Build your own custom chibimal with dress-up items specially made to be Chibimal friendly. I can personally talk about how much fun and quick these are to arrange on your Chibimals. Of course the result isn’t always as FFF Friendly as the original Chibimals, but that’s not the point. The point is having fun, and Chibimal swag is definitely fun. And this brings the number of models up and makes for, seriously, nearly limitless combination. I mean, not limitless-limitless, but 21 million-million is quite a lot.

When I was dressing up the Chibimals to show off what’s possible, I intentionally made bad choices as much as I could. I didn’t want to steal a remix that someone else wanted to do, so I made them as silly as possible. One of the choices I made is I put a magical horn on every one of them… except the horse. You can see my remixes on the main page. As for what you’re going to do… well, that’s up to you.