You should be watching Eunny video

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This week’s shout out is Eunny on YouTube. I’m a huge fan. Have been for a while.

Shout outs are hard. Mostly because I have so many of them I want to do, and I feel like I can’t do them justice. Definitely not in one month. Definitely not while I’m trying to manage a kickstarter at the same time. But even then, if I were to point you to everyone that I’m impressed with and aren’t getting the love I feel they deserve, a whole month wouldn’t be enough if I released a video a day. I’m gonna have to find a better way.

This is the last of the content I have from Bay Area Maker Faire. So in a way this represents the last of Maker Faire for me. Except that I’m probably going to be attending the Provo Mini Maker Fair in a few months. And I’m still going to go to fairs and conventions whenever I can and whenever I can afford it. While I don’t feel any deep attachment to Maker Faires in general, or Bay Area Maker Fair in particular, I do have friends like Eunny and Barb that do, that I probably won’t get to see again without Maker Faires, and that makes me sad. But hopefully we’ll meet again… somewhere.

I really need to do a big project that will make it worthwhile to attend more cons. Like a full body 3D scanner built on Raspberry Pis.

Chibimals is going well. There hasn’t been a day I haven’t had a new model… well, except for Sunday. But I always take Sunday’s off. If you haven’t backed already, you should check it out. We’ve crossed another stretch goal, so I’ll be making models through the week. And if things slow down, well, no problem. I’ve got some ideas to keep me busy.