Is the Master Spool Dead?

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Of course it’s not. let’s not be silly. I just think that people occasionally need to be reminded of a good idea. Which was kinda the point of this video.

This video has been queued up for a while. Hence the reason the Filament of the Month club bumper is outdated. And present. FotM club is going on haitus. But I delayed the release of this video at the request of WolfWorks 3D who were out of stock when I uploaded bay back when. But they’re telling me they have it now, so this video is live.

There’s been a lot of death in my videos lately. Death of Makerspaces, Death of Maker Faire, and now this. I mean, newspapers have known that death sells, and that idea has carried over to YouTube I guess. But I think this will be the last death related video headline for a while. Unless Chibimals super stalls, which could happen at any time.

The other point of this video was giving me the opportunity to build some new templates that you’re probably going to see in future videos. The bumper telling people what Filament of the Month members are getting this month, as well as the “subscribe” bumper with Cymon at 2:32, and the #whatchamaking bumper at the end. These are things I’m always trying to remember, but turning them into generic bumpers are the only hope for remembering them. Hopefully the genericness of them won’t work against me.

I want to feature more Cymon in my videos, but my last one, where I made call outs to Cymon directly, didn’t do very well. Was Cymon to blame? Probably not. But he maybe didn’t help. If people tune out when I call out to Cymon YouTube won’t show the video to other people, so it can be deadly. Still, Cymon is a part of this channel, he’s a part of me, and I want to integrate his presence more. I feel it’ll bring in a younger audience (while hopefully not turning away my existing base), and I just like him. He’s a little more recognizable than just my white old man face, and he googles well, so I’m gonna push him for a little while and see if I can make him work. If not, well, he’s still a part of me.

3 videos in 1 week! Not bad. Not a pace I think I can keep up for very long, but let’s see what next week brings. I do have a number of videos queued that I just need to finish editing and hit go on, including another shout out!