Unstarted Projects with Barb Noren

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I’ve already given Barb a shout out in the past, but this seemed as good a chance as ever to hang out with one of my favorite people that I don’t get to hang out with nearly often enough. Techincally this video is Part 2 to Barbs Part 1.

Plus, there’s getting playing with squishy TPU Chibimals and sharpies.

Some of the projects I listed I really do hope I’ll get to one day. Some of them are in a perpetual state of half-finished. How do others seem to get awesome project after project done.

Chibimals is going incredibly well. If you saw the live stream you got to see the project launch, and then reach it’s funding goal before I ended the stream. $500 in 10 minutes isn’t what I expected, but it’s not bad. Now it’s up up to the 7th stretch goal, even tho I’ve only been able to model one so far. And of course the backers have chosen the next models to be the most difficult ones. Highly detailed hedgehogs and chameleons. It was the same way with the Low Poly Dinos. But that’s okay. Bring it on. This set is going to be incredible.