3D Printing the future with Volumetric 3D Printing Video

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Maybe you’re asking “What’s the deal with the still images? Didn’t Joe record the video.” Well, of course I recorded the video. But when you yank out the SD card before the camera is done writing the video file to it, well, it’s like I didn’t record any video. Fortunately, my son was a sport about it, so I managed to salvage the video. Fortunately my son was a sport about sitting for a few more pictures and I just made a video with freeze-frames.

I’ve had a number of people ask me about the twistly, volumetric 3D printing from UC Berkley, I feel like many people missed out on the Holograpic 3D printing by
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory from a year ago. Maybe it’s because LLNL didn’t do as good a job with their presentation; no sound and no tags on the video. Or maybe people didn’t get it. But I almost did a video about it back when it firs came out, basically saying what I finally got a chance to say in this video: They need to anchor it. I know why they don’t want to anchor it, but that’s the only way I can see this working. And if they do, I can totally see this working brilliantly. And I basically feel the same about UC Berkley’s technique. You can’t expect a liquid, especially one you’re putting in a spinning bottle, to hold still long enough to react. Not with a process that relies on a period of exposure. But anchor it and grow from that anchor point, and that no longer becomes a problem.

They say that when you have one successful video, you should double down on it. And while this isn’t a direct sequel to the 8 things you’ll see in future 3D printers video, I felt it was adjacent enough to merit some association, as well as a thumbnail that borrowed from it. If this does well, I may ahve to do a video with my wife and another kid so I can use the third movie poster for a thumbnail.

I’m putting this out a day early because on Wednesday I’m traveling to the Bay Area Maker Fair where I’ll be spending the rest of the week hanging out with some friends I haven’t seen for a year. I promise I’ll do a better job making videos for this than I did for MRRF.