3D Printed Smoking Low Poly Dino Volcano

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The quality of this video may seem all over the place. I guess the lesson here is “what a difference a year makes.” Nothing makes the changes the Low Poly Dino kickstarter has had on my videos as pronounced as a video with footage shoot on the old camera, my still current camera phone, the camera built into the Weedo F192, and footage from my new cameras. It’s all here.

This is also the first video where someone took me up on making their own bumper for the Filament of the Month Club. I set up that bumper so you could watch a video, follow along, and then I should be able to just drop in your recording, and everything should line up. And you know what, IT DID! Big thanks to Parker Brown for being the pioneer in this one!

So with this smoking volcano, I feel like the Low Poly Dinos have become a complete display that I can show off.

Behind the scenes I’m redesigning my recording space to make videos easier to product. I don’t want to commit to 2 a week, but that’s what I’m going for. You all deserve it.