Midwest Reprap Festival 2019 Day 1

I want to do a more in depth coverage of the event in the future, in video format. But for now I just want to decompress my thoughts on Day 1 of the Midwest Reprap Festival 2019.

(As an aside, upgrading my phone or bringing a better camera is item #1 when I get back) The day kind of started with an informal meetup over a lunch buffet with a lot of the people who supported me in getting here. Thank to all of you, I get to enjoy this amazing experience.

Now that I’m thinking about it, I don’t know if I could describe the whole thing as “overwhelming”. While it seemed like everyone knew me there, it was never so much that I felt like I was inhibited from going anywhere. We really are a very polite community, and as much a fan of the work as each other. So not overwhelming. Just whelming. Very whelming.

The first person I met was Louise Driggers, a designer that I very much respect and appreciate. Getting to meet her in person was a great thrill.

There was a young man, Luke Cunningham, who built his own 3D printer out of computer components. He is one of those brilliant people who has a contagious energy for what he does. I definitely want to work with him in the future.

Of course the part daddy was there. The prints from that machine are mind blowing.

And there was a 3D printed arcade cabinet by Print N Play. That thing has a screen that pivots so you can play games in their native portrait, for games that play in the native portrait.

And Kuntry3D was there. And Tom was there, super jet lagged. And I got to talk to Shane from Prusa. And Alien3D. And… oh, man, I can’t even get everyone and everything I’ve seen and done in.

That’s not even the half of it. My feet are sore, my voice is horse. But I’m very happy.

Through it all, I was handing out maker coins and stickers and showing off the prints that I had brought. About half of the prints I had to show off were printed on the Davinci Color, which I found myself geeking out about. And I realized I was really pushing this printer. Not that I meant to. It’s not like I’m getting paid to promote the Davinci Color. But I am more impressed with it than I realized. But now I realize I should probably tone it back or everyone is going to think that I’m a schill.

Then, when I got home, there was an email from XYZPrinting saying they wanted to sponsor a few videos.

Well, darn. I guess I am a schill now. But I was a fan before I was a schill.

The over arching theme that stood out to me about this day, however, was how much we’re still on the cutting edge. There is still a lot of territory to discover in this vast land of 3D printing, and MRRF is a great place to get a taste for what the future holds.