3D Printed Mystery Eggs Part 1


This wasn’t necessarily the video I intended. I filmed this footage intending to use it in a different sort of video about these mystery eggs. I also intended for today to be a video about a mega re-review of all the printers I’ve reviewed before. However, the video I intended this footage for I haven’t recorded, and the mega re-review video ended up being dangerously long and only half edited together. So I decided to break the mega review into 3 videos, which will necessitate the filming of additional footage to bring everything together, and I edited this footage together for a quick video.

Which isn’t to say that I don’t like this video. On the contrary, I’m rather proud of both the project and the video. As I say in the title, this is part 1. Will part 2 be the video I intended to do with this footage, or will I just go on in this same style with the other egg experiments I’m doing? Kinda depends on if everyone likes this video.

Because I do have other animals I want to put in eggs. Honestly, this idea of roundish, egg shaped animals has really taken a hold of me and I want to do more of them. And perfecting the crackable egg has also become a quest for me. And it happens that these two ideas go together well. But I suppose they don’t have to be together. I could just do the animals separately. And I could do a ton of animals. Seriously. I have a notebook full of sketches.