Answering the internet’s most pressing 3D printing questions on Quora Part 2

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Did my voice sound particularly resonate in this video? I recorded this in the middle of a nasty cold. But, I figured, I made you all wait while I put together the Filament of the Month Club bumper, so I couldn’t make you wait any longer. I didn’t quite have it in me for a more intensive video experience, though. Scrounging up questions and chatting on camera was about all I had bandwidth for, mentally.  I had to edit out a ton of coughs and clearing my throats between questions, but I did this for you.

Of course if you all like my voice like this, maybe I should start my recording sessions with a pb&j and a glass of milk to really gum up my vocal cords in the future.

Last time I answered 18 questions. This time, only 16. But I did stop by the 3DP Professor discord channel to show off what people there are making. Want to have your project featured in a future video? I’ll see you on Discord.

List of questions from the video:

What are the limitations of 3D printers available to the general public?

Does hot glue work to glue 3D printed parts?

Can a 3D printer make an acoustic guitar?

Should I get a 3D printer so I can print minatures?

Are there any sub $200 3D printer that can print at least 8 x 8 x8 inch objects with a good finishing quality?

What is the best way to learn 3D software?

What should I print with a 3D printer? I’m open to suggestions.

Where can I find the most complete and most accurate BOM for a 3D printer?

Does 3D printing create toxic fumes?

Is it possible to 3D print a smartphone? (Model)

Do any businesses make their products from a 3D printer?

Is it still possible to start a print on demand business using 3D printers in 2019?

What are your thoughts on 3D metal printing?

Are 3D printers going to be disabled from being able to print firearm components?

What software do you use to 3D design objects for 3D printing?

What are some pointless features in a 3D printer?