Free 3D Printed Board – Game Past Yer Pasture Video

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Okay, I’m gonna put the puns out to pasture. I herd that you’ve had enough of them. So no more of them in this blog post. I’m not kidding.

I have a confession. While I have printed out both Pocket Tactics and Breach, I haven’t played them much. They’re a bit dice heavy for me. But I love the minis. I once tired convincingĀ Arian Croft that he should make the game a little less dice heavy, but that’s just the sort of game he’s into. Myself, I’m into small, light games that can be played in a few minutes. Long time fans will remember I have another game, Wood Wars 3D, for which I did some excellent modeling work (if I do say so myself), but hasn’t really gone anywhere, because it ended up being the sort of game I wasn’t into playing. I want to revisit it one day, I just don’t have any ideas to fix it.

I am currently working on another new game right now. If you’re following me on twitter or discord, you’ve seen a lot of it. I may be ready to release it as early as next week. But I was looking at getting some glow in the dark filament for a part of it, and had reaffirmed to me how abrasive that stuff still is. So that may motivate 3 things: a new category for the filament of the month club, a maybe push forward some testing of a ruby nozzle, and installing that ruby on my Weedo. I was installing it on the Replicator when… no… it’s still too soon.

If you download the files for Past Yer Pasture, you’ll discover they’re all 3MF. Don’t worry, your slicer can probably handle it. Probably. I’ve decided to throw my full support behind the 3MF format and advocate for greater adoption of the format.

I’ve found that since I’ve adopted 3MF, since color data is available, I’m adding color to my files. Just simple color, not going too overboard… mostly. In fact the models for Past Yer Pasture weren’t in color to begin with. I went back and added color before releasing them, even tho only the Davinci Color or Shapeways could print them that way. But I figured since I had the option, why not?

To that end, I’ve been trying to use the Davnici color for the past 2 months, but that’s proven somewhat problematic. It’s working, but all the ink dried up, and the replacement ink I bought a while ago… burst.

My index finger was magenta for two week. I’ve sent the offending ink cartridges back to them. They have yet to resolve it. I still love the printer, because it’s capable of great things. I just wish I could actually use it.

I attempted in this video to emulate a cadence I’ve seen in other videos recently. Short phrases, easy to caption and read along with. Not that I make the sort of video you’ll want to watch without sound on. But I gave it a try. However, I think that made me a little too… stare at the teleprompter, and not enough emoting. I only write that sort of thing in these writeups to hopefully improve my performance in the future.

EDIT: Okay, I edited the auto generated subs for the video to make it easy for everyone to get the puns. It was basically like editing the script for the video… again. So that was exciting. But hey, now everyone can follow along and laugh at my dad-like humor.