How to model a Marble Machine with Curves in Blender video

I like how the videos this week chained together. Not all of them, but did you notice how in Good Overhangs I mentioned a technique that could be used to print the Guala Gadgets 3D Printed Marble Machines. I then talked about the filament used to print the marble machines and how they’re using the Master Spool, and then this video, on how to make marble machines. If I were cleverer, and with a little bit of planning, I could have strung them all into one TV length episode. Hopefully, the chance to do this is what I’ll be kickstarting.

I realize I’m a version behind in Blender. Version 2.8 is looking good. It’s not because of the changes to the UI that I’m holding off updating. I don’t mind a little retraining. The part I’m worried about is that the sculpt tools are apparently broken, so I’m waiting until I hear that those are fixed. If they’re fixed, lemme know so I can upgrade.

The production of this video was as much as one-shot with editing on the fly as I’ve ever done since I got the ability to do it. I did do some editing out of long pauses and hems-and-haws to keep things flowing, but besides that, the intro and switching to Blender was all done in real time. After the kickstarter, I may not be doing that sort of video again, because, if things go well… I almost hate to say it. I’d like to earmark part of my kickstarter funds to hiring an editor. I really want to take pride in my videos going forward, and I feel like that’s an important step. And hopefully that will result in a boost to the channel that will bring in more revenue that I can use to continue to pay an editor.

Hey, a guy can dream, can’t he?

I’m taking tomorrow off from the videos, and I’ll be back on Monday, possibly a little later, with a video about the M3D micro.