Sunday Sermons, Maker Coins, Low Poly Dinos, and You

More Maker Faire this week. And for all the parts that I missed, there’s the #BAMF2018 playlist.

I realize the music was a mistake. My thought was “oh, this is like sesame Street. It’ll be great.” But after uploading and listening though my speakers I realized why they fade out the music before taking on PBS.

Hopefully, the makercoins I passed out will be vintage. My plan is to make a new maker coin that will utilize the Davinci color, since that machine needs to do a print every day. So I create a small print that will keep the inkjet primed, fire one off every day I don’t have something better to print, and pass them out.

I feel I misstated my thesis. It’s not so much that you must make, but that you, too, can make. There’s a maker in everyone, and it doesn’t need to be big or flashy, though those ones look good in the brochure. But even a child with a passion for sluice gates has a place at maker faire.

Thursday June 21st. That’s the date. The Low Poly Dino Kickstarter is set to launch June 21st. I’m committed to this. In 22 days the kickstarter that will kickstart the next phase of my YouTube career (if everything goes well) will go live.