The Long Journey to Bay Area Maker Faire – Part 1 Video

The original plan was to take and make 2 videos from my Bay Area Maker Faire journey, one for each of the days I was there. The first was going to be a little travelogue followed by interviews with the people that I met there. I was technically going to fudge things already because some of the interviews happened on day 1 and some happened on day 2. I guess that’s part of the reason why, when I got to this point in the editing process I decided it was enough and I was just going with the trip itself in this one. So Part 2 will be the interviews, and part 3 will be the projects.

In other words, if you didn’t like this one, it’s okay, I got 2 more parts to redeem myself with, and so far part 2 is shaping up to be pretty good.