Makerspace 3D Printing Safety video

I still don’t get to choose my thumbnails for these videos.

This video was made so that I can stop doing the 3D printing training in the makerspace manually, and features one of the more coordinated edits at the 2:14 mark that I’ve ever had to do. Chances are if I didn’t point that out here, no one would ever notice it.

I feel like these videos require a slightly higher production quality than my other videos, because it’s for a job I’m getting paid for, but for a channel that is not generating the revenue, meager as it is, that my other channel is. There’s a sense of irony to this. However, the problem is that this has been clogging up the works for my other channel trying to get this out and putting me behind schedule. It’s stressful, but in the end I hope will be worth it. I’ve already taught my first two students this way, so the time saved will only grow from here.