You Should Be Watching BarbMakesThings Video

My first shout out video is here, and it couldn’t go to a more deserving channel. I do not know why BarbMakesThings doesn’t get the love. Seriously, by the time I press send on this post, my video may already be to more more views that her last 3 videos combined. That ain’t right. So I’m sending her some love. More specifically, I’m sending her you. Check her out, watch her videos, tell her the professor sent you.

With YouTube’s recent baffling change in policy about paying low performing channels (take that you million view promoted suicide videos) Barb is looking to lose what little revenue YouTube provided to her. Hopefully, this will inspire her to keep going, because I’m going to print out her monster chess set as soon as I see the STL is available.

Sorry for the dearth of videos last week. This week I’m on a video production roll. Right now got 2 more videos ready for upload, including the eagerly awaited “How to make $100 a month with 3D printing” and my first tutorial about putting color data in your models, which is ironic because My Davinci color is all out of ink, and I can’t order any more right now because they’re out of stock. I’ve also got many other videos fully filmed and partially filmed. So I should be able to be coughing up content for at least a few weeks.

Meanwhile, I can blame the delay on two things. First, I was setting up a slight modification to my internal work space to give me more room inside to test 3D printers, and, second, I was reviewing the JGAurora A5. I don’t want to spoil the review video, but any time running a 3D printer through it’s paces takes this much time, it can not be said to be going well. I’m in an odd position. This is, by the specs, a brilliant machine, every bit more impressive than the CR-10, and I gave that one a glowing review. But with so many 3D printers to review, I can only spend so much time on each. So when a printer starts acting up, if tech support isn’t on the ball, chances are things will eventually fall apart and I’ll have to move on. And because, any negative I can provide for this machine is shared by the CR-10, like not being open source or easily fixable, anything I say bad about this printer invalidates my previous review.

I may just have to admit I was wrong about the CR-10. I’ll give it a few more days, and if this machine isn’t humming like a kitten, I’ll make an introspective review video and move on. Such a shame.

Currently 0/3 on the pi vase