2017 Year End Review Video

Framing the year end review as a mock board meeting may have not been one of my best idea. I tried my best to make as entertaining as possible, but being as 3D Printing Professor LLC is a company with one official employee, and being as board meetings are just dull, I don’t know how well I could pull it off. Still, I get off a good dad joke at the end. I promise that will be my last dad joke. For this year.

I feel like year end reviews often end up being Q4 reviews in most organizations that I’ve been a part of. It’s difficult to even remember a years worth of information, let alone report on it’s effects. To compile this report I went over the analytics, but I also went over the pictures I took of this past year. Not only have I seen my fleet of 3D printers grow from… well, basically one, to more than I have time to assemble. Hopefully, becoming the Makerspace director will give me opportunity to find others who want the experience of building a 3D printer, and I can let them do the heavy lifting.

Oh, yeah, if you didn’t catch it, I’m going to be a Makerspace director. If you’re ever in my neck of the woods you should stop by. We’re having our grand opening on the 6th of January. Maybe I’ll see you there.

If you were quick, you may have noticed in the video that I put some data up there that most people avoid, like revenue and the like. I honestly want to be more open about that. I feel like there’s no benefit to hiding that stuff, except to maintain the illusion that I’m a successful rock star. And in a way, there’s good reason to maintain that illusion. Because if people knew the actual numbers, they might not be happy, and they might not stick around. So… that may have not been my best idea, too.

I’d love to hear your suggestions for the coming year. What would you like to see me accomplish? Where should I strive to be, and how can I keep improving this thing that I’m doing.

A lot was cut from this video, so here’s the outline I followed for the video, including everything I didn’t mention:

3D Printing Professor LLC Board and Stakeholders meeting

Knocked down a bunch of the toys while waiting for the camera.

2017 was a year of staggering growth for 3DPPLLC

  • 90 videos 
  • Over 1 million views 
  • Hardly missed a Wednesday 
    • Improved video quality while only slightly increasing editing time 
  • 3 public events 
  • 1 book 
  • Many new 3D printers thanks to affiliates 
  • Reorganization of Cymon’s Designs (sole proprietor) to 3DPP LLC 
  • Over two dozen published models 
    • MyMiniFactory 
    • Pinshape 
    • Thingiverse 
    • Including Wood Wars 3D 
  • First successful kickstarter 
  • 4x increase in Patreon backers 
  • New ways to support directly
  • Affiliate Partnerships with Amazon and Gearbest 
My other great accomplishment this ye
Lessons learned

  • Certain videos do better than others 
    • Hardware reviews (esp with clickbait titles) gets a lot of negativity but results in a lot of views and affiliate sales 
    • Spinner video ludicrously popular, with little result, and follow up videos were not as successful. https://youtu.be/4gO8TdCFObA
    • Project videos are moderately well viewed 
    • Topical discussions are moderately well viewed 
    • Live Streaming this past year was not successful or well watched 
      • Maybe YouTube algorithm to blame 
      • Recent changes may suggest revisiting this 
      • Difficult to schedule effective time 
      • Shakey internet interfered 
    • Interviews are pooly watched 
    • May suffer from same algorithm changes as livestreams 
    • Tutorials are not well viewed 
  • New work shed set isn’t well lit enough, caused frame drops 
  • Giveaways have very small impact on the stats for the work that goes into them 
  • Not a huge market for well upgraded 3D printers
Met some great people

Revenue streams from last year

  • Patreon 
  • YouTube revenue 
  • Affiliates with Gearbest and Amazon 
  • Kickstarter 
  • Direct sales 

Goals for 2018

  • Big announcement, St. George Library Makerspace Director 
  • New support option – Direct through PayPal 
  • Create core values statement 
  • More everything 
  • Video every Wednesday. 2 videos a week when we can 
  • 3 books Q2, Q3, and Q4 
  • 2 kickstarters Q1 and Q3 
  • Digital only delivery 
  • 24 new 3D models 
    • 2 large projects 
  • 3 public events 
    • Makespace events don’t count 
    • Scan cosplay 
  • More hardware reviews 
  • Tutorial video leading to books 
  • Shoutout/promotion videos
Thank you all for a wonderful 2017, and here’s to an even better 2018.