Royal Game of Ur Rules Variations Video

The Royal Game of Ur Kickstarter has only 1 week left. Be sure to get in now before it’s too late.

As I’ve dug into The Royal Game of Ur, I’ve been impressed the rules variations that are out there. Honestly it’s impressive what people came up with for this game with nothing more than a board and a few components. Some of these variations were just totally wrong, but some of them area actually fun and add a lot to the game.

In doing research for this I read Irving Finkle’s paper about the translation of the rules he made. There’s an old proverb that says “Learn a new language, get a new soul, and that must be truer than ever for Mr. Finkle. Because reading the translation, and then his interpretation of that translation, I do not see how he got from one to the other. Clearly he’s thinking on a different wavelength than the rest of us when doing these things.

Remember that if you share anything about this game and let me know that you’ve done it, you’re in the running for a free game drawing, even if you’re not a kickstarter backer. Why not share this video with your favorite gaming group or forum?