This was an opportunity that kind of came upon me quickly. My son discovered the Thrones and Bones book series rather serendipitously. That the book had the rules for a board game in the back was a complete bonus to him, and he was immediately hooked by the idea. Being the board game affectionato I am I immediately recognized this game as a tafl variant, an asymmetrical style of game that is notoriously imbalanced. But this version of the game had a number of rules that seemed like they might address the imbalance somewhat.
My son made a paper copy to try it out, and when I tweeted about it the author, Lou Anders, responded. Then my son began work on a 3D printable version of it, after which Lou and I became best buds. When he mentioned that he just bought a Prusa I3 I realized I had an opening for an interview. My son was thrilled.
I clearly still have some technical issues to iron out. I don’t know why my audio was so choppy. Hopefully I can get those trouble shot before my next video on Saturday, an interview with the guy who co-designed the Ur board I uploaded recently. It’s going to be an interesting interview, and I did a writeup about why on Pateron.