I think I can say that this was my first truly successful livestream. It was honestly almost perfect. The only shortcoming I can think of is that I could not get the chat window to come into the video, but I’ll correct that by posting the chat log here:
- Makingdownundahey
Justin EthingtonHello!
3D Printing ProfessorThe first part will be purely instruction, and in the second part I’ll open up the chat. SO get your questions in, talk among yourselves, and I’ll be right there.
That 3D Print Guywish my wife had proportional editing
JacksonHey I was just wondering how long this is going to be
That 3D Print Guythats what she said
JacksonHahahah %$#! off
JacksonJk jk
JacksonHey I was wondering how I could make something smooth while 3D printing something
That 3D Print Guyit looks like a tooth
Joey NuggetzNice tooth
That 3D Print Guydont cheat we want the leaf
That 3D Print Guyseparate And attach
Joey Nuggetzseperate
That 3D Print Guyyou have some awesome blender skills
Chip GriffinMP MakerSelect Mini. Have you ever had any issues with bed adhesion while using this printer?
That 3D Print Guysubdivided it
That 3D Print Guywait never mind you did it
That 3D Print Guythis is why i like your channel, you explain what your doing really well!!!
Jay RI use cheap hairspray and frog tape no issues period with my mpsm
Jay Rmy question can u print nylon on monoprice select mini
That 3D Print Guypeople complain about buildtak but i like it. if you use it right it lasts for a long time
Jay RI like that scrapping tool nice!
Jay Rwhat type of rail lube you prefer?
Chip GriffinOk sweet! Thank you for answering my question. Ordering a sheet tonight! 😎
Unlikely CreatorsDid you get my package I never heard back from you man
Jay Rmy thought for the monoprice select mini being it’s a open house unit maybe a bicycle chain oil something dry yet still performs….less dust debris and such attracts to a dry lube.
Unlikely Creatorshaha
Chip GriffinLOL, you are just like my Accounting Professor. (Dances at random intervals during livestreams.)
True Techknowledge is power, in the world of creativity
Unlikely CreatorsI can’t believe I used to use and know snippets of this software hah
Unlikely CreatorsBeautiful!
Jay Rnothings impossible more so likely its improbable, creativity starts in the mind which is alike 3d modeling, the resources you can’t touch or feel. the computer is tricky to use at first I’m using
Jay Rtinkercad currently
Jay R123d design is nice too what v program is this btw?
True Techit was enjoyable seeing the editing that you went through. you know your software!
Unlikely CreatorsCan’t wait:)
Unlikely CreatorsYeah I use a backround that I created off blender still to this day
Unlikely Creatorsbye!!!
Jay R64 or 32 b?
3D Printing Professor64bit.
3D Printing Professorbecause I like all the bits I can.
True Techthanx for the inspiration too
Chip GriffinPPAP?
True Techcheers and vulcan high 5 V/_
3D Printing ProfessorThat’s why I was team Sonic back in the day. I look back now and I realize Mario was more fun, but Sonic had the bits.
3D Printing ProfessorChip’s got it.
Unlikely Creators^ noooo wayyy
Unlikely Creatorsthat can’t be it
Jay Rthanks again good seeing this stuff looking forward to seeing yall around
3D Printing ProfessorHigh five Truetech _\//
Chip GriffinBye! 🖐