Review of the Geckotek3D Build plate

Wow, I just noticed that I misspelled “Geckotek” all over as “Gekotek”. Gonna have to fix that wherever I can.

I didn’t mention it in the video, but Geckotek3D did not sponsor this review. Full disclosure, I think the funky polymer coating on the build plate is the weakest part of the build plate. I fully expect that one day that coating will be replace. But the magnetic replacement plate is really where it’s at for this upgrade. It absolutely holds the metal plates on so well that any wiggle I was experiencing from the old build plate is gone. And maybe that’s all I wanted. But the difference was so dramatic that I am nothing but happy.

Be sure to check out and find out if they have a replacement plate for your 3D printer. Be sure to use the coupon code 3DPROF to receive 15% off.