3D Printed Striped Tie Project

What to say about this one? It was a long time coming, a lot of work went into desiging, testing, printing, iterating, final prints, failed prints, and finally a surprising success. Then filming the video and editing it and getting it out to you. All for a project that I expect no one but me will be excited about. There are other 3D printed tie projects out there, but the use of elastic in this one makes it very comfortable to wear, both around the neck and on the body. I really think it turned out well.

I kind of hope this project will be the start of a lot of 3D printed ties for me. I’d like to design some to take more advantage of the geometric capabilities of 3D printing. I’d like to do one with a dragon scale texture, one with a wood carving texture (with holes in it), maybe one that transforms somehow. I think there’s a lot of possibilities.