My designs were stolen and sold on eBay

I’m sorry it’s been a while. Things have been happening and I’ll tell you more about them next week, but I had to get this video out quickly because I’ve been a victim of the eBay 3D rip off scandal, and I’m not happy about it. But not for the reason you may think.

If you haven’t heard about this scandal, the best place to start is with the Sad Face on Thingiverse and discussion that goes with it:
Makerbot’s pending response:

I’m being a bit silly in the video. The truth is this does upset me, and I wish I were in a position to do something about it. But even with this experience I don’t want people to stop sharing their 3D models. I never make a choice out of fear and I advocate that no one else should either. Fear leads to hate, hate leads to anger, anger leads to really bad puppets that get CGIed away later. If your motives are fear you will make the wrong choice. The right thing to do is share. Don’t let some duchenozzle make you afraid to share. I’m afraid that this is going to make talented designers who refuse to share feel justified in their choices to keep their talent hidden, and that’s just sad.

Fortunately, there appears to be a hero on the horizon, and it’s exactly who it should be. But Makerbot has failed us in the recent past. Will they fail us again or will they win back my trust, at least, and maybe the trust of the whole community? All we can do at this point is hope and watch. Preferably with popcorn in hand.

Here’s a list of the designs that were stolen, which they broke down into about a dozen listings.

Honestly, though, they should have ripped these off:
and so we could say that this guy ripped of alot of models.