Fixing the Rubicon

So far the Rubicon is the best scanner for capturing the shape of an object, if not the scale. But shortly after the my last post about their latest software the table stopped turning without significant effort. To figure it out I disassembled the table.

I discovered the motor turned just fine. So I could rule out a locked up Nema 17. So I carefully dusted the body with baby powder, reassemebed the turntable, and gave it a crank to see where it was catching.

Oh. Everywhere. Okay. Clearly there needs to be some redesign of the turntable. It seems the Rubicon guys cut some corners by avoiding silly little things like bearings on the turntable. I considered a few solutions, like using a dremel tool to grind down the supports to bushing-like tips. But for now I decided a simpler solution.

Cardboard spacer. Now the turntable is kind of floating, so if I put anything heavy near the edges it drags again, but for now this gets me scanning.