Dentist office gas hook

Hot on the heels of solving a problem in the optometrist office, now I’ve got a solution for a similar problem my dentist office, too. In their  offices the happy gas breather thing didn’t have an official home. The techs and assistants were trying all sorts of things to store it but it usually was on the ground where it fell. Once again, I found myself measuring, planing, and making a prototype.

This hook is heartier than the optometrist one and I designed a way to tighten it down with two zip ties, one of which has all but the head cut off of it, because I was concerned that it couldn’t handle the weight. It only really took 2 iterations and it was done.

A big thanks to the folks at Stonehaven Dental for letting me play. They seem legitimately pleased to have the hooks now. Now I have another product that might have a market, but that I have no clue how to distribute. I should really explore that a bit more.

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