Growing a project list

Have you ever thought “Ugh, I’ve got too much to do” But then you actually write out your todo list and it’s, like, four things? Happens to me a lot. But not this time.

I started writing out the list of projects I’m in the middle of and projects I want to do and the list just kept growing. It went from a few pages in a pocket notebook to meriting is own white board to keep things organized and a system for tracking the status of each project. It’s hard having so much I want to do and not enough time to do them, but as long as I need a day job I think this is the way is going to be. (Maybe o should look for a sponsor.)

I like having them ask written out like this. Organized. I kinda look forward to seeing it evolve and change over time.

Have you ever had to institute a method to organize your projects and how did you do it?