Dragon7350 and the Lithophane

I wanted today to be a video post, but having just got back yesterday that wasn’t going to happen. So I hope you’ll be okay with this inspiring little bit.

Deviant Art user Dragon7350, Justin Ethington, saw my video on making a lithophane and decided to give it a shot. Even better, not owning a 3D printer he sourced the print through MakeXYZ and had to convince the 3D printer that this thing really could happen. The final result was stunning.

I’m super stoked that someone watched my videos and made something awesome. That’s why I do them. But the story gets even more surprising.

A customer notified me that I had made a mistake on their soap stamp. But I am out of town until the first of the year. So I decided to source a printer in my customers area to do the printing for me and what should I find? This same lithophane looking back at me. I ended up hiring the same printer, Ryan Ingli, that Justin Ethington sourced in the same week. What a small world.

If you’ve made something awesome reach out and let me know. I love to hear about it.