3D Printing Video – Distributed Manufacturing and Board Games

The technical problems don’t end. I still haven’t solved the resolution issue (by the way, these are recorded at 800×450 because any more causes stutters) but I don’t think I can blame it on the compression this time. Thanks to Adahop for helping me through that. And as much as I would have loved to reserve this video against the time that I get all these issues worked out, but it was this video’s time.

In this video I referred to Rodney’s video, my post on 3D printing without a 3D printer, and this blog.

I also introduce a project I’m working on to make Wood Wars 3D printed with it’s creator, Tim Lowell. I am grooming this project to be distributed through crowd funding to those who want it, but first I have some pieces to model, some rules to write, some illustrations to draw, and a pretty video to make out of the whole thing. In short I’ve got a lot to do and there will be more coming on that. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.