PinShape toy design challenge

I’m really liking PinShape so far. As a marketplace it’s been a little bit of a learning experience for me, I can’t just treat it like YouMagine. Their collaboration with Sculptio also means that their “get a print” prices are a bit outrageous. But they’re adding new features that I really like and am looking forward to. Hopefully it can bring the designers and audience.

To facilitate getting more designers they’re running a toy design contest. I’ve entered a few of my old designs like my transforming chess set and TARDIS Run board game. I’ve got some upcoming designs that if I can allocate the time to finish before the contest is up I’ll enter, too.

If you’d like to help me out, and I’d really appreciate it you did, you can sign up on PinShape and like my designs. If you’re a fan of Doctor Who, liking TARDIS Run means I’ll be prioritizing adding Capaldi and Hurt to the Doctor Who pawn collections.