Coin Age 3D Preview

With so much of my print time occupied with etsy or MakeXYZ jobs I don’t have as much to talk about during the week. But I wanted to give you all a heads up on a project that I modeled this weekend that may or may not be printed next weekend.

Adam P. McIver’s Coin Age is a really cool minimalist strategy game and a very successful recent kickstarter. All you need to play is a credit card sized board and $1.56 in pocket change. That is to say you can do it with a tiny board and pocket change (ranked by size, not by value) but that seems cramped and confusing. Why not enhanced with 3D printing Fortunately it started as a print & play game so the original rules and board are available online.

First thing I did was come up with a set of coins that can be substituted for pocket change. The sides are numbers on one side, roman numerals on the other, instead of heads and tales. Change the color half way through the print to get 2 distinct colors as well.

Next I’ve come up with a board that’s got some personality to it. Each of the regions are at a different layer so by some clever filament changing at regular intervals the regions become obvious.

Not 100% sure it’s going to work. but it’s going to be fun trying.

That’s the second 3D Print & Play project in a row. With this, TARDIS Run, and Troke, as well as my robot, Charles ‘O Perry, and bird cage chess sets, I’m really thinking of starting my own kickstarter to fund the creation of  more 3D print ‘n play, out of print 3D revivals, and maybe even the creation of another original 3D printed board game.