3DHacker Round Up 4

For those new to this blog, I tend to keep my pontificating to a minimum here and instead house those rantings on 3DHacker’s blog where Andrew Mazzotta has graciously given my ramblings a home. It’s been a while since I’ve done this and a lot has happened on 3D Hacker. Andrew has recruted several new bloggers who are making excellent content, so if you don’t frequently check out 3DHacker, maybe it’s time you do. I’m not going to make a list of all the posts since my last 3DHacker roundup this time. Just keep hitting the back button until you see something you’ve already read or it’s time to go to bed.

I would like to draw your attention to my most recent post, however: If you have a great idea, let it go. This is something that I feel passionately about. You can’t expect your next great idea to come if your brain is crowded with ideas you can’t make happen. So go to 3DIdeaForum, get them out, and make room in your brain for the next great idea.