What’s in the Pirate3D box?

Singapore based Pirate3D is producing a 3D printer. Why I haven’t heard of them before I don’t know. I mean I love 3D printing and I love Singapore, but this one broadsided me.

But even better they’re giving some away! So go, enter their contest and win.

Now for some commentary: Pirate3D’s motive here is pretty transparent, or at least I think it is. They’re collecting market research. “How much do people expect to pay for a 3D printer?” Thing is it is very difficult to guess the price of a sealed box. Matter of fact I don’t see a 3D printer there, I see a box with a 3D print under it. I’m told that’s a 3D printer and I guess I’ll take they’re word for it, but what’s in that box? Is it an FFF printer? Is it SLS? Is the Photopolymer? Is it a little elf who weaves straw into plastic prints? It’s a good looking box but a box does not a printer make.

When I made my guess I guessed it would be the price I’d like to see a 3D printer at, which is cheap. But in reality I’m guessing this one will be slightly more expensive than an Afinia. I mean, elfs don’t come cheap.

Either way, sign up and try to win one. (Facebook required)