Printing somewhere warmer

Like I said, it’s cold right now. It’s painful to be in the garage with my Makerbot. That can’t be good for it. So in an attempt to see how bad printing in the cold, is I needed a control situation, and to show off a bit I brought my bot to work. Durring the day I printed a spool holder for my new Afinia filament, a couple more stackable bins, and tested out the Afinia gold filament. More on the results of the filament test later. Oddly enough the stackable bins still cracked after printing. Perhaps not as bad, but still cracked. I have no idea what I need to do to fix this delamination problem.

So after the days printing I brought the printer home to my cold, cold garage, put the enclosure and cover back on, and tried to print another filament holder, and the result was leaning a little to the left.

That’s a slanted print. I didn’t get it until I tried another print and discovered that my x-axis motion wasn’t homing the way it was supposed to either. So after all that, thinking I can go back to printing this happens. Back to fiddle mode I guess. If anyone has any suggestions how to fix this please don’t keep them to yourself.