Well, yes I would download a car, thank you

The headline reads “3D Printer DRM Patent To Stop People Downloading a Car” and every reaction I’ve seen has been doom and gloom. But either I’m not reading this article right or everyone else isn’t because when I read the article here’s what I took away.

  • It is a patent troll who’s putting his finger on the patent before anyone else develops it.
  • This troll has no desire to actually develop the technology, he just wants to get paid when someone else does.
  • This could be the one time where a patent troll is actually working in our favor.

Usually patents and patent trolls in particular stifle innovation. Well, that’s exactly what’s happening here. Only it’s an evil innovation that is being stifled. The serpent is eating it’s own tail!

Read past the headlines. This is great news. Twisted and strange, but great news.