Just a little to the left

Did I mention how I fixed my Y-Axis alignment problem on this blog? Turns out the problem was that the waiting position was far enough forward that the tug of the filament feeding and electronics cables were pulling back against the carriage. Normally the steppers can handle it but the very next command after “go to the waiting position” is “power down the steppers while the heated bed and extruders heat up”. There are 2 ways to fix this. (1) Don’t have the steppers power down as much or (2) don’t have the waiting position be so blasted far forward. Since it seemed to me that the waiting position could just as easily be anywhere I took option (2).

I still had a problem with my X-Axis centering that I decided to fix today. The alignment scripts were doing nothing so I opened up the On Board Preferences options and fiddled with the numbers, then built and ran a test print, then fiddled with them more. After two or three iterations I had a perfectly aligned printer and a couple of fun little prints.

I’m actually excited about the dice. One day I want to explore the feasibility of using printed dice by making an automated dice roller with a camera set up to do optical recognition so I can have it do a 1000 roll test. Then test a bunch of printed dice and see if it’s true that they’re unbalanced. I don’t believe it’ll make that big a difference. We’ll see.