River, make her blue!

I should really reserve that title line for later since the actual quote ends with “again” but nevermind.

I wanted some blue filament. Makerbot was all out so I purchased some from Protoparadigm who are closer to me geographically. When I finally manage to sell some chessbots I plan to buy some red for the opponent chess sets. But for now I’ve got blue for some other possibly marketable products that I’ve made:

…as well as the Hylian shield ring which I need to find the time to work on a bit.

When changing the filament I needed a quick print to flush the extruder. Fortunately my son has been bugging me for another lego ring. That turned out to be the perfect amount of filament to clean things out as well as a quick 10 minute print process. Now my daughter wants one. Well, I may try to hold out until I can change the white for glow-in-the-dark.