Can I level with you?

I noticed problems with my build platform that was preventing me from printing a full set of chess pieces at once. So I’ve spent the past couple of days re-leveling and testing and got that thing just as right as I could and the test print I was making still didn’t stick. So I took the step I didn’t want to. I mixed myself up a batch of ABS glue and spread it on the build platform and the result was brilliant… and ugly.

You may notice that the print is off center. Ignore that, it wasn’t my fault. You may also notice that my platform looks like a mess, which it is. That’s the ABS glue. And it worked, the print stuck masterfully and lifted off without too much difficulty, however…

ABS glue stuck to the bottom of the print. I was afraid of that. Not a big deal, I’ll just have to do some light sanding of the finished prints and I suspect that will decrease over time. But in the meanwhile, I may be ready to go ahead with printing a full chess set.

By the way, that ABS glue is also useful for making minor modifications to existing prints using bits past failures. Great stuff. Glad I’ve got it around now.