The saga of the stuck print

The tool pictured here is called the 5-in-1 painter’s tool. I purchased it on the recommendation of a total stranger on the google groups for removing prints from the platform.

See, my prints get stuck to the platform. Really, really stuck. Even letting them cool for 8 hours wouldn’t get them to pop off. I’ve tried razor blades and spatulas but when I heard of this I thought I’d give it a try. Does it work? Yes, but possibly too well. Using the 5-in-1painters tool to remove prints is really hard on the kapton tape. I’ve gouged several holes and scratched it in other places. And this is on brand newly applied tape, which is frustrating. But like I said, it does work better than anything else so maybe others can learn from my mistakes. I would still recommend this tool, it’s less than $5 and does work, but be gentle when using it.