Action Chess Progress: Triumph!

It is done! All the pieces work. They print well, they go together well, they come apart well, and they look great! Finally I have the chess set I’ve wanted since I was a child.

I’m packaging up the files for publishing on thingiverse, but I wanted my loyal readers here to be the first to know that the Action Chess set is out of the testing phase.

Eventually I’m going to need to get a better name than “Action Chess”. Chessatron, Robocheck, Hyper Chess? Help me out here guys.

EDIT: This is the last post I will be labeling as “first-steps”: the posts to detail the growth from new Replicator owner to confident 3D printer. I feel this print represents the culmination of why I got a 3D printer, which is a statement that can be taken at least two ways and be true both times. But while this is the end of that story the adventure continues still…