Print 11 – Tire Lever

It’s amazing what a little reinstall will do… sort of. I wiped out the ReplicatorG folder and my .replicatorg folder in %appdata% to be sure I wouldn’t have any lingering effects of my endless tinkering, then reinstalled ReplicatorG. Then I ran G-Code on the tire lever, manually edited the g-code to increase the build platform to 115 C and the extruder head to 215. The result was… moderately successful I’d say. Significant curlage on the short end of the tool where the raft came unattached from the build platform.

However the existing problem of the fill of the first layer after the raft not connecting with the outline still persists. My goal at this point is to figure out raftless printing, but before that I gotta get rafted printing to work.

I feel like I’m reinventing the wheel here and it’s frustrating.