Watch This Space

It will be 8 weeks before I get my Makerbot Replicator. Chances are you should just stay away until then. I’ve had a ton of thoughts about what I’d do with a 3D printer and no outlet for those thoughts. Now I have an outlet. It’s gonna be ugly.

Once I get my makerbot, however, I plan to fill this blog with:

  • Time lapse videos.
  • Print reports with thingiverse “I made one” links.
  • Adventures in monetizing my 3D prints (I’m gonna try).
  • Upgrade/tech support adventures.
  • 3D modeling discussions and adventures (I suppose I could do some of that right now…)
  • Chess/Action figure development (Some of that before the makerbot comes).

Basically I want to be as open, candid and honest about what it’s like to own and use a Makerbot, in particular for a person on a budget. I’m going to try to keep that machine running as much as I can and report on every print I do. I may even try doing some pricing calculations.

A Makerbot or other 3D printer isn’t an appliance. Home 3D printers are still a new and budding technology. If you’re wondering if you should save up your hard earned money for one I want you to have as clear a picture of what to expect as possible. All the ups and downs. Learn from my mistakes as it were.

This sounds like alot. Maybe it is, but I’m going to try to make it as simple on myself as I can by being brief. Hopefully I can get into a rhythm that doesn’t eat up all my time.