Welcome to the Adventures of Joe and his Makerbot

3D printing. Technology of the future. But I’m not the sort that could normally, at this time, afford a 3D printer. They’ve become more accessable to be sure with projects like the RepRap and makerbot, but not accessable enough for me. But I’ve got the skill. I’ve been to an art school to learn animation so I’m artistic. I have a bachelors in Mathematics and am finishing a masters in Computer Science so I’m also very technical. But I’m a husband and father of 5 and with all that schooling to pay for so I’m too broke to buy a makerbot for myself.

Still, how will having a 3D printer effect the life of… well, me? It looks like we’re gonna find out.


I have entered every contest I could to win a 3D printer and every time I’ve lost to someone who (admittedly) had a better entry than me. But not this time. This time it was my turn. This time it’s my life that will change.

And how will it change? Only time will tell. I have plans, hopes, and dreams, but how will those dreams mesh with reality? Let’s find out…